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Country Lifestyles

Meredith Ellis: Continuining a Legacy of Land Preservation



By Dani Blackburn

“Dedicated to raising the highest quality cattle while putting the environment first.” – G Bar C Ranch

It is the legacy the G Bar C Ranch works hard to uphold, focusing on the principles of maternal qualities in their cattle, grazing based on soil type and ecological zone, and five principles of soil health. Through the dedication of founder GC Ellis, his daughter, Meredith Ellis, and Ranch Manager Michael Knabe, the ranch maintains its focus on wildlife and biodiversity on its 3,000 acres in North Texas. In addition, Meredith uses her background in landscape architecture and her passion for beef to advocate for the industry on a national and global scale.

G Bar C Ranch

The G Bar C Ranch was founded in 1982 by GC, who fell in love with agriculture as he helped manage his father’s ranch outside Italy, Texas.

“He knew that is what he wanted to do for the rest of his life, so he drove all around the state of Texas looking for the perfect ranch to start his dream. He wore out two pickup trucks searching. He found the perfect spot between Era and Rosston,” Meredith said.

GC purchased the initial 450 acres of the ranch more than four decades ago, which now spans 3,000 acres, and operates it with his daughter and Mike, who began working with GC at just 18 years old and has been part of the family operation for decades. Meanwhile, Meredith’s mother, Mary, and her nine-year-old son, GC, also help keep everything running smoothly. Mary gardens, cooks, and makes everything feel like home.

To read more, pick up a copy of the August issue of NTFR magazine. To subscribe by mail, call 940-872-5922.

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Country Lifestyles

Life Lessons From A Public Restroom




Lessons can be learned anywhere, even a public restroom.

By: Dal Houston

As wacky as it sounds, changing the way one sees the world, one of the most profound lessons a human can learn, can be exemplified by something as mundane and seemingly inconsequential as a trip to the men’s room.

Last week, I spent an afternoon at an event, which required three visits to the venue’s men’s room. Without getting graphic, there were three stalls in this restroom. The stall in the corner and the stall closest to the door were functional, but the stall in the middle was adorned with an “Out of Order” sign.

To read more, pick up a copy of the September issue of NTFR magazine. To subscribe by mail, call 940-872-5922.

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Country Lifestyles

Membership Roundup: Five Reasons Youth Should Join 4-H




4-H Youth learn many important skills

By: Hannah Claxton | Editor

“I like 4-H’ers because they are dedicated to excellence.”

— Dwight David Eisenhower,

As the school year kicks off, local 4-H programs will be start- ing as well. The impact of 4-H in a youth’s life cannot be overstated. Famous alumni include Jimmy Carter, Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash, and Reba McEntire. Here are five reasons why you should encourage the youth in your life to be a part of 4-H.

To read more, pick up a copy of the September issue of NTFR magazine. To subscribe by mail, call 940-872-5922.

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Country Lifestyles

Fall Fashion




Fall Fashion

By: Jesse Kader of Jesse’s Jewelz

Happy September!
Do I dare venture to say that we are thinking about fall clothes? I know it seems that sometimes fall takes longer to arrive in Texas (or Oklahoma) than anywhere else, but it will get here eventually, and we will be ready when it does. As we start switching out our closets and tucking away our summer looks, I urge you to keep an eye out for a few pieces that may be staples for the up and coming season. I feel this year will be a year of classic timeless looks. I see neutral colors being popular with soft color pallets. A great collared pinstripe button up will definitely be a necessity. Layered looks with sweatshirts and sweater vests are my current favorite for the classic cowgirl look. These pieces will allow you to make subtle statements.

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