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Farm & Ranch

Nematodes in Chickens



By Barry Whitworth, DVM

Nematodes (roundworms) are common parasites in chickens. With the modernization of commercial poultry production, many nematode infections have been reduced. However, free range and backyard flocks have issues with parasites because they are in constant contact with the outdoors. Fortunately, clinical illness is not usually a problem unless parasite burdens become severe. The most common roundworms causing issues in poultry are ascarids, cecal worms, and thread worms.

Ascaridia galli species, commonly referred to as ascarids, are the largest nematode in poultry. The white female roundworms may measure over four inches in length. Ascarids are located in the small intestines of domestic and wild birds. The worms have a simple and direct life cycle. This means that the worm eggs pass in the fecal material of the parasitized birds. Birds are infected when they ingest feces or fecal contaminated food or water.

Adult birds rarely have issues with ascarid infection, but chicks are more susceptible. In moderate infections, clinical illness is rare. However, heavy burdens of worms result in weight loss, weakness, and diarrhea.

To read more, pick up a copy of the October issue of NTFR magazine. To subscribe by mail, call 940-872-5922.

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Farm & Ranch

Ag Elsewhere: Wyoming




Ag Elsewhere: Wyoming

By: Tressa Lawrence

It has been a hot, dry summer across northeastern Wyoming. Many ranchers are weaning and shipping early due to the dry conditions and lack of grass.

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Farm & Ranch

Ag Elsewhere Montana




Ag Elsewhere: Montana

By: Lindsey Monk

The Four Mile Fire was 2,082 acres and very close to three other fires all started by lightning the same night. Together, the four fires burned a total of approximately 47,827 acres. That is a lot of feed for cattle, and ranchers were moving the cattle out of the way. They are mostly contained now, but it has been a very hot and dry summer.

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Farm & Ranch

Beef Quality Assurance Program




Beef Quality Assurance Program

The Texas and Southwest Cattle Raisers Association, the Texas Beef Council, and the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension banded together to bring the Beef Quality Assurance coursework to Texas. Dedicated to promoting best management practices for cattle producers in an effort to strengthen consumer confidence in beef as a wholesome food product, the program focuses on best husbandry practices for quality beef. The BQA coursework is available both in-person and online, with three types of certification available- Cow/Calf, Stocker/Backgrounder, and Feedyard. Courses are offered in both English and Spanish.

To read more, pick up a copy of the September issue of NTFR magazine. To subscribe by mail, call 940-872-5922.

(Photo courtesy of Hannah Claxton)

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