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Country Lifestyles

Meredith Ellis: Continuining a Legacy of Land Preservation



By Dani Blackburn

“Dedicated to raising the highest quality cattle while putting the environment first.” – G Bar C Ranch

It is the legacy the G Bar C Ranch works hard to uphold, focusing on the principles of maternal qualities in their cattle, grazing based on soil type and ecological zone, and five principles of soil health. Through the dedication of founder GC Ellis, his daughter, Meredith Ellis, and Ranch Manager Michael Knabe, the ranch maintains its focus on wildlife and biodiversity on its 3,000 acres in North Texas. In addition, Meredith uses her background in landscape architecture and her passion for beef to advocate for the industry on a national and global scale.

G Bar C Ranch

The G Bar C Ranch was founded in 1982 by GC, who fell in love with agriculture as he helped manage his father’s ranch outside Italy, Texas.

“He knew that is what he wanted to do for the rest of his life, so he drove all around the state of Texas looking for the perfect ranch to start his dream. He wore out two pickup trucks searching. He found the perfect spot between Era and Rosston,” Meredith said.

GC purchased the initial 450 acres of the ranch more than four decades ago, which now spans 3,000 acres, and operates it with his daughter and Mike, who began working with GC at just 18 years old and has been part of the family operation for decades. Meanwhile, Meredith’s mother, Mary, and her nine-year-old son, GC, also help keep everything running smoothly. Mary gardens, cooks, and makes everything feel like home.

To read more, pick up a copy of the August issue of NTFR magazine. To subscribe by mail, call 940-872-5922.

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Country Lifestyles

Lacey’s Pantry: Banana Pudding




Banana Pudding

By: Lacey Vilhauer

Total Time: 3.5 Hours | Serves 10-128


1 1/3 cup milk
1 package of instant vanilla pudding mix 1 14-ounce can sweetened condensed milk 3 cups heavy cream
1 tsp. vanilla
1 box vanilla wafers
4 bananas, sliced into coins
2 tsp. sugar


In a large mixing bowl, combine milk, vanilla pudding mix, and sweetened condensed milk. Whisk thoroughly, breaking up any lumps and refrigerate for at least 5
minutes, or until set. In another large bowl, combine heavy cream and vanilla. Beat until stiff peaks form, 2-3 minutes. Set aside half of the mixture for topping the dish. Fold remaining half into the pudding mixture.

Cover the bottom of a 3-quart trifle dish with vanilla wafers. Top with one-third of
the pudding mixture. Cover with another layer of the wafer cookies–you may want to also stand some cookies up vertically, sou can see the full circle along the edge of the trifle dish. Top with an even layer of banana slices. Continue layering the pudding, wafer cookies and banana slices until you reach the top, ending with a final layer of banana pudding.
Refrigerate for at least 3 hours, or overnight. Sweeten the remaining whipped cream by adding the 2 teaspoons of sugar and stirring to combine. Just before serving, dollop on top of the banana pudding, then sprinkle crumbled wafer cookies on top.

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Country Lifestyles

When A City Girl Goes Country




There is nothing better than being remembered by a cow

By: Annette Bridges

Being Remembered By A Cow

You have no doubt heard the expression “an elephant never forgets.” I can confirm the same is true about a cow, especially one you have raised from birth.

Various health problems kept me away from helping my husband feed and move our herd to new pastures for a couple of months. I was so very happy to get back in the groove of our old beloved routine.

To read more, pick up a copy of the September issue of NTFR magazine. To subscribe by mail, call 940-872-5922.

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Country Lifestyles

Mandy Cleveland & Stable Strides Farm




Stable Strides Farm

Utilizing the horse to human connection.
By: Hannah Claxton | Editor

Deep in the heart of Texas, both humans and horses at Stable Strides Farm in Pilot Point, Texas aer demonstrating just how big their hearts really are. Founded by Mandy Cleveland in 2001, Stable Strides Farm serves dozens of Equestrians with Disabilities and Veterans each week.

Deep in the heart of Texas, both humans and horses at Stable Strides Farm in Pilot Point, Texas aer demonstrating just how big their hearts really are. Founded by Mandy Cleveland in 2001, Stable Strides Farm serves dozens of Equestrians with Disabilities and Veterans each week.

“My boys have been riding since they were 18 months old, and for the first 17 years they had a leader and sidewalker. When we moved here, and Mandy started teaching them, she just said, ‘Let’s see what they can do,’ and they ride independently now,” Danielle Frank explained, whose two sons, Adison and Aiden, ride with Stable Strides Farm. “Mandy is amazing beucase she doesn’t place any limits on them, she always wants to see what they can do.”

It is her dedication to never setting limits that earned Cleveland a spot as a national finalist for the NSBA 2024 Dianne Eppers Cowgirls Reaching-Out-to-Community Award. The award was established by the NSBA Foundation to recognize cowgirls across the industry for their selfless contributions to the equestrian community.

To read more, pick up a copy of the September issue of the NTFR magazine. To subscribe by mail, call 940-872-5922.

(Photos Courtesy of Hannah Claxton)

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