By Krista Lucas The popular mystery book series Gotcha Detective Agency was created in 2011. With 12 books in the series, “Let Us Prey” has been...
By Janis Blackwell In this issue of “Equine Superstars and Everyday Heroes,” we will meet a sure enough equine everyday hero named Sparky. Sparky is a...
By Krista Lucas There is a new group of saddle bronc riders on the horizon, and Wright is a common last name seen in the sport....
By Janis Blackwell In the small Texas town of Reno, between Azle and Springtown, lives a seven-year-old sorrel mare named Easy. Well, actually, Easy is her...
By Krista Lucas High school rodeo athletes from all over the country stay busy during the summer months. School may be out, but that does not...
Youth talent was on display at the 2019 American Paint Horse Association Youth World Championship Show June 24 to July 7 in Fort Worth, Texas. Exhibitors...
By Krista Lucas With the busy summer time come rodeos across the country, shows and frequent trail riding, which means peak performance for horses. That coupled...
By Krista Lucas It is rare to be 16-years-old and be able to handle the pressure of professional competition. Madison Outhier, of Fulshear, Texas, is no...
By Lacey Corbett I love following ranch wives on social media, and a lot of them just finished up calving season. As much as it sounds...
By Janis Blackwell With new mounts under her, Lisa Jo Mann Cooper Seed is returning to arena competition after a 35 year absence. Seed is known...