“Meet the Farmer”
Circle N Dairy
2074 CR 446
Gainesville, TX 76240
Bring the kids out June 6 to the Circle N Dairy to “Meet the Farmer.” There will be a Q&A session with Tommy and Michelle Neu of Circle N Dairy, Stanley Hess with Hess Meat, Richard Burch with Spring Creek Aquaponics, Gene Hall with Texas Farm Bureau and Donna Schad with Donnas’ kitchen. For adults the cost is $10, children $5 and there will be a play area available for kids 10 and under. Lunch will be hosted by Circle N Dairy complete with Hess Meat beef hamburgers, Richard’s fresh lettuce, Hess sausage samples, milk and delicious Circle N Dairy ice cream. Reservations required by June 2. Call (940)372-0343 or email
NBHA Barrel Race
Wilbarger Co. Events Center
301 Wilbarger St.
Vernon, TX 76384
Food Truck Championship
of Texas
Downtown Graham square
608 Elm St.
Graham, TX 76450
Food trucks from all across Texas gather in the one place big enough to hold all the food, friends, and fun—America’s Largest Downtown Square in Graham. Food Truck Championship contestants will be competing for a grand prize of $10,000 and we invite you to have a taste of the fiery competition. Later that night at the historic Graham Drive In, Robert Earl Keen will be live in concert. There will be plenty of activities to entertain the entire family on the square from 1 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Possum Pedal
Downtown Graham square
608 Elm St.
Graham, TX 76450
The Possum Pedal begins at 7:30 a.m. in the historic downtown square. Rest stops are plentiful and ride support is strong. Cost is $30 for adult registration, $25 for kids 13-17 years old, kids 12 and under are free and $40 for tandems (fee includes both riders). Contact 940-549-3355.
Texoma All Breed Horse Show Association
JS Bridwell Ag Center
111 N Burnett
Wichita Falls, TX 76301
TABHSA is an all breed open horse show. The public is invited to attend and watch these beautiful animals at their finest. Show hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
May 17, 2015 TCAC Four Person Scramble at Bridlewood Golf Club
Ole Cowboys & Cowgirls Reunion (TCAC is the benefactor for this event)
Learn more here
Austin Arena
32041 SH 64
Wills Point, Tx 75169
When: June 6, 2015
Time: 6 PM – ??
Food: 7:30 PM
(Provided by Soulmans BBQ)
Drinks: Water & Tea Provided.
Silent Auction: 6 PM to 9 PM
Live Auction: 8 PM to 9 PM
06/12- 06/13
63rd Annual Chisholm Trail Rodeo
Chisholm Trail Arena
Nocona, TX 76255
Come out to the Rodeo June 12-13 for ranch bronc riding, tie-down roping, breakaway roping, bull riding, barrel racing, team roping and junior barrels. Do not miss the 63rd Annual Chisolm Trail Rodeo. Call 580-276-7151 for questions.
06/12- 06/13
Wichita County
Mounted Patrol Rodeo
2504 Arena Rd.
Wichita Falls, TX 76301
Events include bull riding, bronc riding, calf roping, steer wrestling, barrel racing and a calf scramble for youngsters.