April 21- 22
Wichita Falls PRCA Rodeo
JS Bridwell Ag Center, 111 N Burnett, Wichita Falls, TX 76301.
PRCA Rodeo returns to Wichita Falls!
Rodeo starts at 7:30pm nightly at the J.S. Bridwell Ag Center. Events include barrel racing, saddle bronc riding, bareback riding, steer wrestling, team roping, calf roping, and bull riding. Advanced tickets may be purchased at The Browse Shop and The Boot Barn
Wichita Falls PRCA Rodeo Association is a non profit organization intending to preserve the heritage of rodeo while benefiting our area youth and community. For more information call 940.867.8022 or email
April 21 – 22
Precious Junk Market Days- Precious Junk, 2375 Grindstone Rd, Brock, Texas. Come out and enjoy this fun shopping event with vendors, jewelry, clothing, vintage, home decor, crafts and much more. Food available opening at 9 a.m. For more information about the Precious Junk Market Days call Dora Bell at 940-682-5759 or email her at
April 28-30
Germanfest- Downtown Muenster, Texas, 76252. Come out and join in the German spirit for the 42nd Annual Germanfest. Friday gate fee is $8 and park is open noon to midnight. Saturday gate fee is $10 and park is open 10 a.m. to midnight. Sunday gate fee is $6 and park is open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information on performers visit
April 28
Texas Smoking Guns- Cowboys Mounted Shooting
Young County Arena, 120 Barclay Rd., Graham, Texas 76450.
For more information on the April 28 cowboy mounted shooting event call 940-521-0434.
May 5-7
Southwest Cattle Dog Trials-Events Center 301 Wilbarger, Vernon, Texas 76384. Need tips for your cattle dog or just interested in how they’re trained? Visit the Southwest Cattle Dog Trials May 5-7. For questions call 940-552-7362.
May 5-7
Graham Stampede Reining Horse Show-Young County Arena, 120 Barclay Blvd. Graham, Texas 76450. Come out and enjoy the awe-inspiring talent of the reining horse May 5 -May 7 each day beginning at 8 a.m.
May 5
Sights and Sounds-First State Bank Center for the Performing Arts, Gainesville, Texas. Cooke County Arts Council Scholarship Event with Butterfield Stage, North Central Texas Chorale, GAVA, and Gainesville Swing Orchestra. Food and Beverage hour at 6:30 p.m. and performances begin at 7:30 p.m. General admission is $15. Seniors/Children are $10. For questions 940-736-8672.
May 6-7
19th Annual SPRING FARM EQUIPMENT & HORSE Auction- Hagansport, Texas. Saturday 10 a.m. equipment sale. Sunday 9 a.m. Cowboy Church Service, 10 a.m. horse auction. For more information call 903-632-5458 or email
May 6
Spring Consignment Auction – Warren-Heugatter Farm & Ranch Consignment Auction-201 Fairview Rd., Milsap, Texas 76066. To consign please call Virgil Warren at 817-821-0351 or Chris Schofield at 817-682-5374 or John Griffin at 940-366-1330. For upcoming sales watch the website at
May 6
Askey Farm Festival-1305 Co. Rd. 4530, Decatur, TX. Come out 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and enjoy the beautiful May day at Askey Farm. For questions call 940-389-5775.