“Ridin’ for the Brand Cowboy Church, 5926FM 455, Sanger Texas, will have a Chuck Wagon Breakfast, on April 3, 2016 at 8:30 am. Food is prepared at the wagon and served family style. After breakfast, stick around for homemade cinnamon rolls and coffee at 10:00, and regular Sunday Church service at 10:30 am. The Chuck Wagon Breakfast is the first Sunday of each month through November, except May when it is held on Mothers’ Day.
06/15- 06/18
Cody Custer Bull Riding School
Wilbarger County Events Center
301 Wilbarger St.
Vernon, TX 76384
June 16-18, 2016
The Archer County Rodeo kicks off the 71st Annual Rodeo tonight at 7:30 p.m.
Saddle up and join in the fun, or bring your family and watch it all happen!
It starts at 7:30 tonight and continues all weekend.
The parade begins Saturday at 5 pm in Downtown Archer City.
Tickets are $7
June 16- 29th Annual Legends of Western Swing Music Festival, Ray Clymer Exhibit Hall, 1000 5th Street, Wichita Falls, TX 76301. 29th Annual Legends of Western Swing Music Festival three days of toe-tappin’ fun in a smoke and alchohol free environment. Tickets for the dinner are $16 per person and must be reserved in advance by sending a check, along with a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Gloria Miers Productions, 4461 Ringgold Lane, Plano, TX75093. The show begins each day at noon until 11 p.m. Each band plays an afternoon set and then after a dinner break, returns to entertain throughout the evening. For more information call Gloria Miers at 318-792-3303 or email at
June 17- Texas A&M Horsemanship Camp, J.S. Bridwell Ag Center, 111 N Burnett, Wichita Falls, TX 76301. The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Summer Horsemanship School Program provides youth and adults a great opportunity to gain a solid foundation and advance riding skills, regardless of the riding discipline chosen. This year’s clinic in Wichita Falls will be at the J.S. Bridwell Ag Center at MPEC. Clinic hours are Friday and Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, please call the Wichita County Extension Office at 940-716-8610.
“Ridin’ for the Brand Cowboy Church, 5926FM 455, Sanger Texas, will have a Chuck Wagon Breakfast, on April 3, 2016 at 8:30 am. Food is prepared at the wagon and served family style. After breakfast, stick around for homemade cinnamon rolls and coffee at 10:00, and regular Sunday Church service at 10:30 am. The Chuck Wagon Breakfast is the first Sunday of each month through November, except May when it is held on Mothers’ Day.
Summer Horse Camp at Jim a Dee Ranch
This is a wonderful way to start your child on our equine friends! Inviting ages 5 to 15. Days will be filled with outdoor activities, riding lessons and horsemanship, hands on and classroom. Games, campfire, trail rides, English and western styles, crafts, and the basics will be taught in a creative and fun atmosphere! Lunch included! 9 to 2 pm each day, June 20th – 24th Monday -Friday! 350.00 per child.Call 214-909-9448
9494 Waide Road
Sanger, TX 76266
502 370 7200
717 269 1193
06/22- 06/24
District 3 Horse Show
Wilbarger County Events Center
301 Wilbarger St.
Vernon, TX 76384
Summer Sounds – Roger Creager
Historic Downtown Gainesville Square
Gainesville, TX
Downtown Gainesville brings you summer sounds, a summer concert series on the historic courthouse square. From 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. Come spend a night out on the brick streets enjoying amazing musicians under the stars. Refreshments and seating begin and 5 p.m. and live music at 6:15 p.m.
“Ridin’ for the Brand Cowboy Church, 5926FM 455, Sanger Texas, will have a Chuck Wagon Breakfast, on April 3, 2016 at 8:30 am. Food is prepared at the wagon and served family style. After breakfast, stick around for homemade cinnamon rolls and coffee at 10:00, and regular Sunday Church service at 10:30 am. The Chuck Wagon Breakfast is the first Sunday of each month through November, except May when it is held on Mothers’ Day.