By Krista Lucas Cowboys and cowgirls need several components in their tack rooms to be successful, and the bit is a tool most horsemen and women...
NTFR would like to wish each of you a happy and healthy 2016!
By Steve Stevens We have recently been blessed with being able to use a beautiful indoor arena when the weather is bad and we can’t work...
By Dr. Molly Bellefeuille In the following months lots of foals will enter this world. With 80 percent of foals being born between the months of...
New sprinkler emitters may help farmers improve water efficiency on crops, but not necessarily save water in the long run. (Texas A&M AgriLife Communications photo by...
By Samantha Hall With the onset of the spring heat along with the familiar sight of harvesting combines and road trains in the cultivated fields, you...
By Steve Stevens What can I say. It’s Christmas morning, the kids woke us up extra early, to see if they could catch Santa on his...
By Rayford Pullen “Happy New Year.” It’ll take us a few weeks, but we will eventually remember to write 2016 on our checks. Once we figured...
By: Kathleen Phillips Writer: Kathleen Phillips, 979-845-2872, [email protected] Contact: Dr. Paul Straight, 979-845-1012, [email protected] COLLEGE STATION — Two types of bacteria found in the soil have...
By Jessica Crabtree Humorous, kind, friendly are all words you can use to describe Dr. Larry Butler. He has a deep appreciation for small towns and...