By Dave Alexander Howdy Texas Music Fans! Anyone who loves country music loves Randy Travis. This Country Music Hall of Famer has had an incredible career,...
By Steve Stevens “Born on a mountain top in Tennessee, greenest state in the land of the free. Raised in the woods so’s he knew ev’ry...
By Shannon Gillette Mankins, Texas, located twenty miles southeast of Wichita Falls in the north corner of Archer County has the unique distinction of once being...
By Judy Wade | As told by Robert Anderson The best of things, like a good story, seem to always start out with a horse. Chief had...
By Lacey Newlin Banana Pudding Total Time: 3 1/2 Hours | Serves: 10-12 Ingredients 1 1/3 cup milk 1 package of instant vanilla pudding mix 1...
By Clay Reid Well, another day another dollar and another NTFR deadline crept up on me. So as I was headed out the door to go...
By Janis Blackwell There probably isn’t much that hasn’t been reported about the accomplishments of the Cooper family roping dynasty. However, in light of the nature...
By: Blair Fannin Writer: Blair Fannin, 979-845-2259, [email protected] Contact: Dr. Sergio Capareda, 979-458-3028, [email protected] COLLEGE STATION – Finding sustainable markets for gin trash, wood chips and other waste...
By Krista Lucas Each summer, Woodward, Okla., draws a crowd from near and far for the annual rodeo and Cudd Quarter Horse production and consignment sale....
By Dr. Lauren Lamb Osteochondrosis is a disease in which the cartilage and subchondral bone in the joints fail to develop normally. The cartilage and subchondral...