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Confessions of a Hunter – Who am I?



By Andy Anderson 

I get to meet a lot of people in my profession, I love people. I enjoy getting to know them and learn something about them. I have always found it interesting the differences in people, views, beliefs and their perception about others.

My son and I hunt and fish a lot. He looks forward to the days we can get in the woods for some time watching wildlife or catching some fish. Clay, he’s seven now and has become more confident and eager to try new things. We were stock tank fishing not too long ago, it had been early spring since I had taken him last. When we were fishing back in the spring, he was just getting used to bait casting and catching bass. Clay struggled at first but quickly caught on. However, the one thing he struggled with the most was taking his own fish off the hook. By the end of the day he was doing okay.

I could tell he was gaining confidence in himself and his own ability to handle the fish. This time was different. He jumped right in there, caught 14 nice one to two pound bass and just had a blast! Did everything himself and not only did he not ask for help, he refused it. We didn’t keep any of the fish and as we climbed into the truck to go home,

I asked him if he had fun fun. He said, “Heck ya, and I got a great trophy!”

As he shows me his thumb he says with the biggest smile, “Bass thumb!” The hide gets wore off your thumb when lipping the bass over and over. I smiled with pride, told him how proud I was of him and spent the rest of the trip discussing how much he loved to go fishing.

To read more pick up a copy of the January 2018 NTFR issue. To subscribe call 940-872-5922.

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Preparing Spring Gardens




By Hannah Claxton | Editor

The North Texas area is located within USDA Hardiness zones seven and eight. The zones are categorized by predicted low temperatures for winter and timing of the first and last frosts.

Zone seven usually has winter low temps between 0 and 10 degrees F with the average date of the first frost falling between Oct. 29 and Nov. 15 and the average date of the last frost falling between March 22 and April 3.

Overall, these two zones have similar climates and growing conditions, making the options for timing and variety within a garden very similar.

In these zones, cool-season crops should go in the ground in March, meaning that soil preparation should start now.

To read more, pick up a copy of the January edition of North Texas Farm & Ranch magazine, available digitally and in print. To subscribe by mail, call 940-872-5922.

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Equine Vaccinations




By Heather Lloyd

Vaccinations are a critical component of maintaining the health and well-being of horses, especially in environments where they are exposed to other animals, such as in the sport, show and performance arenas. Horses, like all animals, are susceptible to various infectious diseases that can spread quickly and cause serious harm.

A routine vaccination schedule helps prevent the spread of these diseases by preparing the horse’s immune system.

To read more, pick up a copy of the November edition of North Texas Farm & Ranch magazine, available digitally and in print. To subscribe by mail, call 940-872-5922.

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Wichita Falls Area Cattlewomen




Having herds on a controlled breeding schedule means that we have a predictable calving schedule, and while it’s only over a couple of months, for us it does fall right after the start of the year. I lobby annually to call ours the “Winter calving season”, but I am outvoted and my husband still refers to it as Spring.  Unlike producers in our Northern States, we don’t have to contend with brutally harsh winter weather, and on those rare times we do, thankfully it is not for extended periods. Regardless of whether you have a Spring or a Fall calving schedule, the health of a newborn calf begins with the mother’s health, and the mother’s health is largely dependent on the producer. 

To read more, pick up a copy of the November edition of North Texas Farm & Ranch magazine, available digitally and in print. To subscribe by mail, call 940-872-5922.

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