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Farm & Ranch

Genetic Abnormalities Curly calf syndrome, bull dog calves, curly toe and spastic paresis



By Jessica Crabtree and Dr. Jered Harlan 

For livestock, genetic abnormalities or birth defects are not uncommon. These are seen from both environmental causes as well as genetic causes.
According to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs,, defects can cause abortion or be present at birth in most breeds of cattle. They could manifest in ways such as skeleton abnormalities, body form and body functions.

Given the two causes, environmental causes can be monitored and adjusted to reduce any further economic loss. Genetic causes, inherited by parents, are much more complex and difficult to modify.

Environmental causes of concern are disease and diet. Genetic causes go much further. The animal’s genetic makeup inherited from parents has many genes in each chromosome. It is the same with humans.

Defects or abnormalities occur when genes are missing, are in excess or in the wrong location called translocation.

It has been researched that a few genes directly cause abnormality, but that it is also quite rare, and usually these genes are recessive, meaning two must be present to cause any abnormality. Both mother and father must be carriers of the gene for this to cause defects. In this case, one of every four offspring will result in abnormalities.

To read more pick up a copy of the May 2017 NTFR issue. To subscribe call 940-872-5922.

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Farm & Ranch

Acorn Toxicity




By Barry Whitworth, DVM, MPH

With the prolonged drought, most pastures in Oklahoma end up in poor condition. With the lack of available forage, animals may go in search of alternative foods.

If oak trees are in the pastures, acorns may be a favorite meal for some livestock in the fall. This may result in oak poisoning.

Oak leaves, twigs, buds, and acorns may be toxic to some animals when consumed.

To read more, pick up a copy of the November edition of North Texas Farm & Ranch magazine, available digitally and in print. To subscribe by mail, call 940-872-5922.

brown acorns on autumn leaves, close up
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Farm & Ranch

Silver Bluestems




By: Tony Dean

There are a handful of grasses on North Texas grazing lands ranchers need to know, not because they are highly desirable, but rather because they are not of much value. I call them “decom” plants, which is am acronym for “Don’t Ever Count On Me.” Silver bluestem is a “decom” grass.

Silver bluestem is a perennial which grows in all areas of Texas. It can survive in almost all soil types, and in full sun conditions or in semi shade. It grows up to three feet tall and is easily recognized with the presence of the white fuzzy seed head. Also, one of the identifying characteristics of Silver bluestem is a bend in the stems at each node, causing the plants to take on a rounded shape as they mature.

To read more, pick up a copy of the November edition of North Texas Farm & Ranch magazine, available digitally and in print. To subscribe by mail, call 940-872-5922.

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Farm & Ranch

Meanwhile Back At The Ranch




By: Rayford Pullen

Fall is here which means winter is closing in on us and before we officially get into winter, we need to make sure our factories are either producing or will be producing in a few months.

We have been pregnancy testing our cows this fall and if they are not bred or nursing a calf, we are bidding them adios. With annual costs somewhere between $900.00 and $1,000.00 per cow, those cows not producing a live weaned calf are costing us quite a bit.

To read more, pick up a copy of the November edition of North Texas Farm & Ranch magazine, available digitally and in print. To subscribe by mail, call 940-872-5922.

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