NFR Bound – Prepping for 10 Grueling Rounds

By Janis Blackwell
It is that time of year again when the best in the rodeo business head to Las Vegas to pit their skills against the 14 other qualifiers in each of their respective events. For most of us, we’ll never know first-hand what competition at that level is like or what it involves to get to that level, but through the gracious willingness of four of this year’s qualifiers to share a little of their stories, we can learn more about what it takes to get there and be ready to perform to the maximum of your ability in the ten grueling rounds of the Wrangler National Finals.
This month I interviewed Cade Swor, calf roper and six time NFR qualifier from Chico, Texas; Michele McCloud, barrel racer and four time NFR qualifier from Whitesboro, Texas; Luke Brown, team roping header and nine time NFR qualifier from Stephenville, Texas; and Wesley Thorp, team roping heeler and first time NFR qualifier from Stephenville, Texas, to learn how they prepare themselves physically and mentally and how they prepare their equine partners as well.
Some of the practices and philosophies of these champions in how best to get themselves and their horses in shape are the same or very similar, and in other areas they differ significantly. Starting with physical conditioning of themselves, it was interesting to learn that none of these competitors hit the gym to get or keep in shape. Every one of them stated that just practicing and exercising their horses were the best forms of exercise to keep them in top shape.
For example, Cade Swor said that he thought what helped him most in his preparation for the calf roping was to make a lot of runs just running down the rope, flanking and tying. For those who might not know, that just means a calf is on the end of a rope the length of his calf rope but it is tied to a post. The roper runs from the post to the calf, flanks and ties the calf down—very physically demanding on the roper. Swor feels he is accomplishing the conditioning needed while perfecting his skills. In his words, he is using the same muscles in conditioning that he will use in competition, better than anything the gym could offer. In addition, he rides and exercises his horse and does tie a few down daily, but on practice horses. He doesn’t believe in running lots and lots of cattle and burning himself or his horse out.
To read more pick up a copy of the December 2016 NTFR issue. To subscribe call 940-872-5922.
AQHA Horse of the Year

By Krista Lucas Wynn
Each year, when the professional rodeo season wraps on Sept. 30, the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association and Women’s Professional Rodeo Association announce the Nutrena Horse of the Year, presented by the American Quarter Horse Association, in each event. This is a prestigious award, voted on by the members of the associations. To be named Horse of the Year by fellow competitors is a high honor only a few achieve.
To read more, pick up a copy of the November edition of North Texas Farm & Ranch magazine, available digitally and in print. To subscribe by mail, call 940-872-5922.

Tuff Enough: Tuff Hardman Wins Big At Cheyenne Frontier Days

By: Krista Lucas Wynn | Copy Editor
The name, “Daddy of ’em All,” instantly brings to mind the world’s largest outdoor rodeo and western celebration. Cowboys and cowgirls from all across the country dream of competing on the iconic Cheyenne arena dirt.
Every July, pro rodeo contestants travel to Cheyenne, Wyom. to vie for the title of champion of the Cheyenne Frontier Days. The rodeo is steeped in western tradition and celebrated the 125th year this summer. With nearly two weeks of rodeo action, fans watched bareback riding, calf roping, breakaway roping, saddle bronc riding, team roping, steer wrestling, barrel racing, bull riding, and steer roping.
Steer roper, Tuff Hardman, knew winning “the Dad” was a tall order, but with a good horse and a few prayers he left no doubt who the best steer roper at Cheyenne was when it was all said and done. After two rounds, Hardman qualified back for the finals tied for ninth place with a time of 30.8 seconds.
To read more, pick up a copy of the September issue of NTFR magazine. To subscribe by mail, call 940-872-5922.

Country Lifestyles
Mandy Cleveland & Stable Strides Farm

Utilizing the horse to human connection.
By: Hannah Claxton | Editor
Deep in the heart of Texas, both humans and horses at Stable Strides Farm in Pilot Point, Texas aer demonstrating just how big their hearts really are. Founded by Mandy Cleveland in 2001, Stable Strides Farm serves dozens of Equestrians with Disabilities and Veterans each week.
Deep in the heart of Texas, both humans and horses at Stable Strides Farm in Pilot Point, Texas aer demonstrating just how big their hearts really are. Founded by Mandy Cleveland in 2001, Stable Strides Farm serves dozens of Equestrians with Disabilities and Veterans each week.
“My boys have been riding since they were 18 months old, and for the first 17 years they had a leader and sidewalker. When we moved here, and Mandy started teaching them, she just said, ‘Let’s see what they can do,’ and they ride independently now,” Danielle Frank explained, whose two sons, Adison and Aiden, ride with Stable Strides Farm. “Mandy is amazing beucase she doesn’t place any limits on them, she always wants to see what they can do.”
It is her dedication to never setting limits that earned Cleveland a spot as a national finalist for the NSBA 2024 Dianne Eppers Cowgirls Reaching-Out-to-Community Award. The award was established by the NSBA Foundation to recognize cowgirls across the industry for their selfless contributions to the equestrian community.
To read more, pick up a copy of the September issue of the NTFR magazine. To subscribe by mail, call 940-872-5922.
(Photos Courtesy of Hannah Claxton)

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