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Summer Sounds – Eleven Hundred Springs @ Historic Downtown Gainesville Square
Jul 31 @ 5:00 pm

Summer Sounds
Eleven Hundred Springs
Historic Downtown Gainesville Square
Gainesville, TX 76420
Downtown Gainesville brings you summer sounds, a summer concert series on the historic courthouse square. From 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. Come spend a night out on the brick streets enjoying amazing musicians under the stars. Refreshments and seating begin and 5 p.m. and live music at 6:15 p.m.

Summer Sounds with Eleven Hundred Springs @ Historic Downtown Gainesville Square
Jul 31 @ 5:00 pm – Jul 31 @ 11:00 pm

Summer Sounds
Eleven Hundred Springs
Historic Downtown Gainesville Square
Gainesville, TX 76420
Downtown Gainesville brings you summer concert series on the historic courthouse square. From 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. Refreshments and seating begin at 5 p.m. and live music at 6:15 p.m.

Deer Fest @ Ray Clymer Exhibit Hall
Aug 1 all-day


Deer Fest

Ray Clymer Exhibit Hall

1000 5th Street

Wichita Falls, TX 76301

Deer Fest is a one-day event benefiting the Adopt A Box Program. Adopt A Box is a local charity designed to provide children in need with basic hygiene items.  Deer Fest and Operation Game Thief will team up to bring their “Wall of Shame” trailer to Wichita Falls.  The “Wall of Shame” features some of North Texas’ largest game animals killed illegally and confiscated by Game Wardens. Bass Tubs of Oklahoma brings us the Ultimate Shootout Archery Trailer.Other attractions include vendor booths, live and silent auction items,  Junior Anglers Catch tank and live entertainment.  Deer Fest will be an exciting fun event for the whole family with a corner of the exhibit hall designated as Kids Corner!  Come for a family friendly day of hunting and fishing fun while supporting the Adopt A Box Program!

NBHA Barrel Race @ Wilbarger County Events Center
Aug 1 all-day

NBHA Barrel Race
Wilbarger County
Events Center
301 Wilbarger St.
Vernon, Texas
Come out for some fast and furious NBHA Barrel Racing. Bring the entire family out to enjoy the action.

NBHA Barrel Race @ Wilbarger County Events Center
Aug 1 all-day


NBHA Barrel Race

Wilbarger County Events Center
301 Wilb  rger Street
Vernon , Texas


Ultimate Calf Roping @ Stephens County Arena
Aug 1 – Aug 3 all-day

08/1- 08/03

Ultimate Calf Roping

Stephens County Arena

2002 S. 13th St. Duncan, OK73533

12 a.m.

For more information call Mark Holder 918-773-2125

Bowie horse sale @ Bowie Sale Barn
Aug 2 all-day


Bowie Horse Sale

$75 fee to be featured in catalog (includes option to submit a DVD for day of sale) Tack Sale starts at 3 p.m. ~with horses to follow~ Registered Horses Grade Horses Loose Horses LIMIT 100 Catalog Horses

Michael O’dwyer 940-867-0434

19th Annual Summers Last Blast
Aug 8 – Aug 9 all-day

08/08- 08/09
19th Annual
Summers Last Blast
Vernon, TX 76384
Fun for the whole family! Friday night enjoy the live concert. Saturday, watch the burnout contest and join the nostalgic cruise night. Sunday be sure to attend the service in the park and southern regional show competition. For more car show information contact Carl Hopper 940-684-1226 or check out our web at Also be sure to stop by the Texas Last Blast motorcycle show. For more motorcycle show information contact Daren Lewis at 940-839-7138 or go to

Wichita Falls Gun & Knife Show @ MPEC
Aug 8 @ 9:00 am – Aug 9 @ 5:00 pm


Wichita Falls

Gun & Knife Show


1000 5th Street

Wichita Falls, TX 76301

Texoma’s only Gun, Knife and Collectibles tradeshow!  There is so much more than just guns and ammo at this show…jewelry, apparel, collectibles and more!  Kids will enjoy the Free Daisy BB Gun Shooting Gallery inside the Exhibit Hall courtesy of the Northwest Texas Field & Stream Association. This event takes place inside the Ray Clymer Exhibit Hall at MPEC.  Free, convenient parking for this event is on the south side of the building on 5th Street.  Show hours are Saturday 9 a.m.-6 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Local Ranching Event Scheduled Aug. 11 in Graham @ Young County Arena
Aug 11 @ 6:00 pm
Local Ranching Event Scheduled Aug. 11 in Graham

The Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association (TSCRA) will host a ranch gathering Tuesday, Aug. 11 at the Young County Arena in Graham, Texas. Registration will begin at 6:00 p.m. followed by a complimentary beef dinner.

The ranch gathering is free and open to the public.

TSCRA Special Ranger John Bradshaw will provide a law enforcement update and offer ranchers information on how they can keep their livestock and equipment safe and secure. Additionally, TSCRA staff will update cattle raisers on important legislative issues.

Please RSVP to 800-242-7820, ext. 192, or

To get to the Young County Arena from Graham, head north on Hwy 16/Elm Street toward US-380 E and drive 2.4 miles. Turn left onto Graham E Boulevard and make an immediate left onto Craig Street. In .4 mile the venue will be on your left. The ranch gathering is sponsored by Elanco Animal Health.  Anyone who joins TSCRA at the gathering will receive a free metal gate sign courtesy of Bayer Animal Health.

All members of the press are invited to attend.