Jan. 7-8
Bowie Second Monday
Bowie, Texas
414 Pelham St, Bowie, TX 76230. Call 940-872-4861 or 940-841-1550 for more info.
Jack County Junior Livestock Show
Jan. 10-13
Jack County Fair Barn,TX-59. Jacksboro, TX 76458. Come watch the Jack County youth compete for the title of grand champion.
Montague Junior Livestock Show
Jan. 11-13
Montague County Ag Barn, W. Hwy 82, Nocona, Texas. Come out and watch the future farmers of tomorrow exhibit their livestock.
Young County Junior Livestock Show
Jan. 11-13
Young County Arena, 120 Barclay Blvd., Graham, Texas.
Make your way out to watch local 4-H and FFA student showcase their hard work while exhibiting their animals.
Wichita County Junior Livestock Show
Jan. 13-14
J.S. Bridwell Ag Center,111 N Burnett,Wichita Falls, TX 76301. The agricultural center opens its doors to youth from Wichita County as they show off their hard work in raising premium livestock. From horses and sheep to hogs and goats, these kids have spent a lot of time raising these animals and preparing them for this show. This event is free to the public Friday and Saturday from 8 a.m. -8 p.m. daily.
Wilbarger Junior Livestock Show
Jan. 14-16
Vernon, Texas
Do not miss an opportunity to watch and support local youth as they work hard to exhibit their livestock, homemade goods and more.
Cowtown Marathon
Feb. 23-25 • Fort Worth
Will Rogers Memorial Center – 3400 Burnett-Tandy Dr. This is the largest mufti-event road race in North Texas, and includes an Ultra Marathon presented by Miller Lite, a marathon, half Marathon, 10K, Adults 5K and the Cook Children’s 5K. Runner’s participation in the 40th annual event benefits the C.A.L.F. Program (Children’s activities for Life and Fitness.) For registration information visit
Jan. 25
Stowers Limousin Sale
Bridgeport, Texas
430 CR 1326 Bridgeport, TX. Selling Limousin & Lim-Flex Show Heifers. Scott, Donna and Lauren Stowers. 940-644-2747
Jan. 26
Cowtown Classic Limousin Sale
Fort Worth, Texas
West Arena- Bass-Richardson, 3401 W Lancaster Ave., Fort Worth, TX 76107. Selling 35-40 lots of registered Limousin and Lim-Flex bulls, bred cows, pairs and open heifers eligible for the 2019 TLA Lone Star Shoot Out. Catalog available Call Ralph Hawkins at 940-367-4633 for more info.
Jan. 27
Buzzard Hollow Ranch Sale
Grandbury, Texas
500 Coats Road, Grandbury TX. Will be selling 60 lots of Fleckvieh and Fleck influenced Sim-Angus Purebreds. All 2 or coming 2 year olds. Lunch at noon, sale begins at 1. Call 817-573-0957 for more info.