The 2015 Archer County Jr. Livestock Show provided many Archer County FFA, 4-H and FCCLA youth the opportunity to exhibit projects in various show competitions this...
By: Kay Ledbetter Texas A&M AgriLife studies planting rates based on anticipated moisture Writer: Kay Ledbetter, 806-677-5608, [email protected] Contact: Dr. Ronnie Schnell, 979-845-2935, [email protected] COLLEGE STATION...
By Judy Wade This is the third part of a series about up and coming young cowboys and cowgirls. Cowboys and cowgirls come in all sizes. ...
Happy 2015 to all NTFR readers, advertisers and supporters!! Here’s to a happy, healthy and blessed 2015 from our team to you!
New Year’s Caviar – Texas Style 2 (15 oz.) cans black eyed peas, drained & rinsed 1 (15 oz.) can black beans, drained & rinsed 2...
By Janis Blackwell For anyone who may not know yet, NRS stands for National Roper Supply, likely the largest western wear and cow-person supply store in...
By Russell Graves The sight must have been a spectacular one. While estimates vary, sometime around 100 million years ago, the skies above what would later...
By Lisa Bellows The offer of an unripened persimmon to a novice can conjure up a good laugh. The alum-like tannins in the unripe fruit cause...
By Jessica Crabtree When thinking of wine making, most envision the “I Love Lucy” episode of Lucy and Ethel stomping grapes with their feet. At Brushy...
By Shannon Gillette As with most rural Texas communities, Illinois Bend was known by several other names before receiving an official title when granted a Post...